Atakan, Atakan Özyurt of the Kafalar Group, who has nearly 8 million subscribers on YouTube, got married, and the news of marriage with Selen Yıldırım came. Thousands of likes and comments fell on the shares of the name, which shook the agenda with the wedding photos he shared on social media.
Atakan of the Kafalar group, which has a significant amount of subscribers on YouTube and is often in trends with the videos they publish, got married. Özyurt, 28, who shared his wedding photos on his social media account, frequently comes to the fore with his private life apart from his videos.
Wedding Photos Rocked Social Media!

Atakan Özyurt, who married content editor Selen Yıldırım, who produces content on travel and has 70,000 followers on social media, shared his wedding moments with his followers one by one.
Thousands of likes fell on the photos of the popular name of the Kafalar group, who shared the “Yes” answer he gave to the marriage officer’s question, with Selen Yıldırım. In the shared videos, it was seen that Atakan Özyurt, who came to collect the bride, was asked for money and fell into a difficult situation. CZN Burak, one of the well-known names of social media, also attended the wedding.