The wedding dress fashion show of our world-famous couturier, Hakan Akkaya, consisting of 45 pieces, was introduced to fashion lovers at Tersane Istanbul with the participation of an elite group of guests. Çağla Şıkel, who took part as the head model in the fashion show named “2022 Hakan Akkaya & Cinderella Bridal Capsule Collection”, dazzled on the runway with her red wedding dress.
Soner Sarıkabadayı’s wife Madelein Lopez Camelo stepped on the podium for the first time after giving birth in three years. Turkey’s oldest model Nezahat Oyna (75), who attended the fashion show wearing a black wedding dress to protest against early and forced marriages at a young age, received great applause.
Despite the adverse weather conditions experienced during the day, the intense interest shown by the guests and the art community was like proof that the curiosity and kindness felt when it comes to Hakan Akkaya’s creations would overcome all difficulties.
On the other hand, Tersane Istanbul, which provides a different experience with its high ceilings, historical texture and mystical atmosphere, seems to provide the alternative environment sought for events from now on. The building, which was brought in by the transformation of the old shipyards in the Golden Horn, attracting as much attention as the mannequins and the wedding dresses on display, integrated with the view of the “Historical Peninsula” and offered an impressive environment.